Título 4

Programa de Campamento Voluntariado
Camp Taylor derives its strength in camp programming through the work of dedicated camp directors, healthcare professionals, and community-minded individuals that care about helping children. Several of the volunteers at Camp Taylor have been working with the organization since its inception over 20 years ago! The volunteers at Camp Taylor help children fighting heart disease lead more fulfilling lives!
All Camp program volunteers arrive in camp the day prior to camper arrival. Camp Taylor operates a closed campus requiring all volunteers to stay onsite the entire length of camp.
Camp Taylor volunteer roles include:
Camp Counselor- Shares responsibility with another adult for the care of 6-8 children assigned to your cabin
Camp Physician- Working with the Camp Taylor Medical Director, responsible for the oversight of the camp infirmary and following the established medical protocol for all campers
Camp Nurse- Responsible for the healthcare of 6-16 campers per camp session
Cookies- Camp cook, Camp Taylor Save Mart Kitchen class, nutrition & dining hall
Sargent Kapers- Camp chore coordinator
Activity Director- Oversees all camp games, songs, awards, dances, and fun with a team of 3-6 assistants
Adventure Director- Oversees adventure: climbing wall, flag ceremony, archery, kayaking, and fishing with a team of 3-6 assistants
Operations Director- Safety coordinator, and equipment management for the entire camp schedule with a team of 3-6 assistants
Crafties- Work with the craft director and assist all campers in the craft classroom with projects
16 years and older may apply for the following positions:
Activity Assistant * Adventure Assistant * Operations Assistant
All volunteers are required to pass a background check, interview with the camp director, and attend the volunteer orientation during the month of June. All volunteers over the age of 18 are required to attend training in the principles of First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. When registering to apply with Camp Taylor, you may either upload proof that you are CPR & First Aid certified or you must attend the Camp Taylor hosted class.