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La historia del campamento Taylor


Congenital heart defects each year affect more than 40,000 U.S. newborns. Camp Taylor’s story is the story of one of those amazing children.


In 1993, Kimberlie and Michael Gamino welcomed their second son, Taylor, to their family, only to have doctors discover within hours of delivery that he had been born with half a heart, a condition known as Hypo-Plastic Right Heart Syndrome with intact ventricular septum. Uncertain as to how long their son would be in their lives, the couple did all they could to ensure Taylor experienced the fun, formative moments of childhood even while enduring four open-heart surgeries and a stroke. These were dark days, with Taylor fighting for his life while seven chest tubes drained fluid off his upper body after one open-heart surgery. The Gamino family lived at the hospital for months at a time.

By age 8, it became clear to the Gaminos that Taylor could not keep pace with his friends or participate in sports or other physical activities due to exhaustion and the threat of injury. Taylor came to understand that everyone at school knew he had a heart defect and saw him as “different.” This left Taylor feeling isolated and alone.


While continuing to progress medically, his parents recognized Taylor needed help with the daunting emotional and social challenges that accompany living with a life-threatening disease. The Gaminos saw the urgent need to connect Taylor with other children in similar circumstances but were shocked to discover no such program existed in Northern and Central California. Taking the initiative, the Gaminos established Camp Taylor back in the year 2002.

Taylor is doing well today with the help of daily medications and somewhat limited physical activity. A graduate of Grace Davis High School in Modesto, California, he is currently completing his pre-requisites for nursing school. Just as important, he has taken an active role in Camp Taylor, serving as a counselor in its Mentor/Leadership program and overseeing the new Young Adult Program. He also shines as its leading public advocate, an impressive young man with a compelling story to tell about how Camp Taylor changed his life and the lives of thousands of other young heart patients. Taylor understands that without a heart transplant he could die early but his focus remains on the future. “My greatest fear is that Camp Taylor will not be here for the next generation of kids that survive,” he says. “Camp has to continue.”

Mayo de 2023: ¡A Taylor le está yendo muy bien!
¡El homónimo de esta organización se graduó recientemente de la universidad con honores! Definitivamente está luchando contra todas las probabilidades con un ventrículo único fuerte y sin síntomas preocupantes.

Taylor tiene un deseo contagioso de ayudar a la mayor cantidad
posible de niños que crecen con CHD. sus acciones hablan por él mientras continúa supervisando el Programa de Jóvenes Adultos (YAP) y el programa de mentores/liderazgo. Continúa arrojando luz sobre la CHD hablando en público para generar mayor conciencia y al mismo tiempo recaudar fondos para los programas de campamento.

Cuando Taylor tenía 17 años, expresó su sueño durante Giving Tree Time en Teen Camp: "Entiendo y acepto el hecho de que moriré prematuramente a causa de una enfermedad cardíaca, ese no es mi mayor temor. Mi mayor temor es que Camp Taylor "No podría estar aquí para la próxima generación de niños que sobrevivan. Ha cambiado nuestras vidas y nos ha ayudado a sobrellevar la situación. El campamento tiene que continuar. Mi mayor temor es que el campamento Taylor no exista en el futuro".

~Taylor James Gamino

Esta declaración brutalmente honesta hizo que la fundadora de nuestro campamento, la madre de Taylor, hiciera una pausa y estableciera un rumbo para garantizar los programas del campamento durante décadas en el futuro. La construcción de un campamento permanente se convirtió en el objetivo a largo plazo después de escuchar a Taylor compartir estas preocupaciones transparentes. Los trabajos de construcción están en marcha, actualmente estamos Construyendo el Sueño de Taylor y nada impedirá que la familia Gamino cumpla este sueño. Ni siquiera una pandemia.

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Taylor, 5 años

Recuperación de la cirugía de Fontán

La historia de Taylor


La familia Gamino

Anchor 1

Modesto-Condado de Stanislaus

Dirección del Campamento Físico:

8224 W Grayson Rd, Modesto, CA


Apartado postal 581259

Modesto, CA 95358

Condado de San Joaquín

Apartado postal 276

Ripon, CA 95366

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Número de teléfono: (209) 545-3853

© 2023 por Camp Taylor, Inc.

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